Yep...The 106 is my first car, and it can be very good fun! It's pretty nimble too because of it's light weight, and insurance doesn't cost much (for the Rallye I'm not sure)!
Lol ziggy, it's much funnier when you hear the sweet and mellow music going with these lyrics! I love that song, and best part is that even a hardcore Christian that doesn't understand English will too!
Yep me neither....I've stopped paying attention at the safety briefing at the start of flights for years...IF I ever manage to survive a plane crash, I'll figure out how to inflate my jacket then!
What's hilarious is that half the people don't even look like wearing the inflatable jacket in the pictures!And I bet everyone came out with their shoes too!
Can't believe my luck...Looked at the picture and it puzzled me for a minute...Gave up and then started looking for hostels in Rio de Janeiro for February Carnaval! And 30 minutes later it got to me, there is a familiarity with Rio...Fired up Google Earth and after some roaming found it!
It's called Corcovado!
By the way I give my turn to whoever wants it...I don't have time now to give you something have to go to sleep!
Well appart the German one which really is a bit offensive and provocative all the others are just bad taste...The only one that made me laugh is the french one!
My father works in that building and it is indeed crap if you see it up close!
Yes there is...I jailbroke mine a few days after I got it, had a little fun with some apps and never opened them again...Then the phone started getting buggy and slow, which is something you may get when jailbreaking, so I did a reset and everything is fine.
So do it just for fun it's nothing difficult if you follow the instructions, but you'll eventually see the apps offered are nothing revolutionary, except if you want to use your iPhon as a 3g modem, but eventually you'll get bored of it!
Hehe, had no idea what it was but the nearby houses looked like Roman, so I fired up Google earth and what to you know it was the first place where I zoomed in!Didn't even take 5 seconds of Google Earth...Now let met find something for you!